Published Articles
Delve into the captivating world of The Arena Trilogy through these engaging excerpts showcased through various published articles. Unveiling quick lessons and thought-provoking discussion points, these excerpts offer a glimpse into the transformative power of The Arena Trilogy series. Take this opportunity to ignite conversations among your colleagues and immerse yourself in the wealth of knowledge they hold.
Your comments are warmly welcomed, and we encourage you to reach out with any questions you may have. We are eagerly looking forward to connecting with you. Cheers to embarking on an extraordinary journey!
The Little Things Matter
An excerpt from the book "The Abundance Arena".
Secret Similarity #3 – The Little Things Matter
“Watch the little things; a small leak can sink a great ship!” ⎮Benjamin Franklin
So many of us go through life searching for that “one thing”, that one secret that will finally change our lives f...
Celebrate the Haters!
SECRET SIMILARITIY #6 - CELEBRATE THE HATERS! (An excerpt from the newly released book The Abundance Arena).
“Haters only hate the things they can’t have and the people they can’t be. It’s just a little thing called jealousy.”⎮Lil Wayne
It’s inevitable. As your happiness begins to improve, as ...
Success Hack: Leave Your Comfort Zone!
The following is an excerpt from the book "The Abundance Arena" - by Richard Spector.
“Most everything you want is just outside your comfort zone.” – Jack Canfield.
As human beings, we have a natural desire to be comfortable. It’s built into our DNA. In fact, m...
Create Your Own Luck
“Luck is not solely the result of chance. It is the result of deliberate, planful action.” -Dr. Phillip M. Randall
About three months ago Carmela joined a networking group to improve her associations and to grow her network of professionals. Once a month, after work, the group would meet at dif...
Embracing Human Resources as a True Business Partner.
An excerpt from "The Leadership Arena"
A Brief History: History tells us that a gentleman by the name of John R. Commons, an economist back in the 1890s, was the first to coin the term Human Resources in a book he published titled "The Distribution of Wealth." However, the actual...
GOLF: It's Business, Not Just Pleasure.
An Excerpt from the book: "The Executive Arena"
Do you remember the term “Birds of a feather flock together?” and “Like Attracts like?” These phrases have to do with how the people you associate with can and do have an effect on your life and career.&nbs...
Selecting and Using a Confidante.
So, just what is a confidant? A confidant can take many forms, be it an executive coach that one pays for or a best friend you run ideas past from time to time. There are many definitions depending on the source and your belief, so, for the sake of argument, let’s look at the definition fr...
Nepotism in the Workplace - Is it Really That big a Deal?
An Excerpt from "The Leadership Arena!"
As a leader or future leader, you may one day be in a position of power and influence over setting company policies or standards that will ultimately affect company culture. I had initially struggled with where in the book to include this next section. I ...
Millennials and Leadership - The Truth!
The word is Millennials. It's a topic as big as the Keto diet, and publishers, social media companies, and other organizations are cashing in on its popularity. Hey, it's a great way to make a buck. Just do a google search for two simple words, Millennials and Workforce, and watch the hundreds of...